Saturday, April 07, 2007

Showing Off The Sky

My son had three of his friends over and since they showed some interest, I showed them some of the night sky's wonders. It was their first time at a scope. Unfortunately cloud obscured a good part of the sky but Saturn was visible. For first time viewers I think this is the best place to start. They were quite impressed, although not to let the planet move out of the dob's field of view too quickly, I did not push the magnification too far. I used the 10mm eyepiece giving x120.

I then showed them some of the different types of objects. The clouds allowed a view of M65 and M66. They were faint due to the light pollution but they managed to see the elongated fuzzy shapes. Then a couple of doubles with Algieba and Castor offering two different coloured pairs. Afterwards I showed them M44 as an example of an open cluster. The clouds then obscured most of the sky and the session was halted.

I always find introducing people to astromomy a rewarding experience.


Blogger mark_smith said...

Know what you mean by showing people the night time wonders through the scope is amazing especially when you get a good reaction.

7:35 PM  
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3:08 AM  

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