The Mare Frigoris

Of the photos taken on the 2nd October, The most successful was this photo of the Mare Frigoris area with Plato and Mons Pico in the foreground. A link to the large size photo, which is surprisingly detailed considering the unsophisticated equipment used, is provided below.
Link to Mare Frigoris large photo
Photo taken with Skywatcher 200mm dobson reflector (1200mm F6) with 10mm eyepiece, 2x barlow, digiscoping adaptor, 3MP BenQ camera. Single image processed with wavlets on Registax and autobalanced on Corel Photo-Paint.
Your Afocal lunar images continue to impress me. Great work!! Does your camera auto-expose or are you setting it before you image.
All the best
I leave the camera on autoexopsure. However, at smaller magnification when there is a large proportion of sky I do stop down the camera.
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