Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Little Dumbbell

One of the few Messiers I had never observed was M76, the Little Dumbbell Nebula (also called Cork, Butterfly or Barbell Nebula). Tonight I made my first attempt to find it. It was actually easier than I had anticipated. I starhopped from the Perseus Double Cluster, on to Phi Persei. The nebula is nearby. Although a faint planetary nebula, I could see its ghostly shape especially through averted vision.

Other targets for the night were M79, the globular cluster in Lepus, I couldn't resolve any stars though, and the M78 reflection nebula in Orion.

Saturn always deserves a look. The moons were arranged with Titan on the outside to the West, Dione between Titan and the planet, Iapetus to the East, Rhea to the North and Tethys to the South West. Enceladus continues to elude me. The clouds then rolled in at about 22:30 and I had to turn in.